Ministering to children at GlobalFingerprints sites requires compassion, dedication, and some serious Christian courage. In areas fractured by social upheaval, crises of all kinds, street violence, and persecution, children are more vulnerable than ever. Unfortunately, these situations mean that ministry to these children is more difficult and dangerous than ever.
At one such high-security site, a famine is burning through the nation, and this suffering is particularly punishing for children and the elderly. Water is also scarce, and countless families go several days at a time without it. Malnourished and impoverished, many crumble into depression.
Exacerbating these already crippling issues, the area is flooded with violence and more immigrants than it can support. Medicine and power shortages also afflict the residents, and the government’s erratic covid-19 policies and anti-Christian convictions only complicate matters. “The government is watching the local church because the government is watching everything,” says “Paul,” a site leader. This government interferes with the site receiving funds, causing them at one point to have to operate for two years without outside funding. Those in power also prevent them from communicating with the children’s sponsors and with the outside world at large. Accordingly, GlobalFingerprints is taking every precaution to strategically protect the local children.
Despite the harsh challenging circumstances, the Good News is spreading.
Seventy children participate in our local program, fifty-six of which have sponsors. Although the number of care workers is small, these faithful few work diligently to minister to every child and his or her family through prayer, well-child visits, and providing food and Bible teaching materials. Even in the face of hardship, there are willing teachers who use these materials to share the Gospel with those around them. This year the site held a VBS, and every week the site hosts Bible classes which 130 children and their family members attend. Upon graduating from the age-appropriate class, each child receives a graduation present containing food, school materials, and Bible materials.
The three biggest needs in this area are spiritual health, food, and shelter. Paul shares that they “are focusing on spiritual needs because this is the main thing that [they] can do.” In addition to the Bible classes and regular home visits, this includes mission trips that benefit the children.
Paul asks us all to pray for the children, their families, the site team, the sponsors, the staff, and the GlobalFingerprints program as a whole. We thank God for the team’s tireless service to these vulnerable children and for the admirable example of courage they set for us all.