Our work at GlobalFingerprints is one way in which the EFCA seeks to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people.
What makes our program unique is that we focus on reaching vulnerable children throughout the world. We have four goals for the children we serve, and these goals inform the way we carry out our mission.
Our Vision
First and foremost, we help children develop the spiritual grounding that is foundational to the other three goals. Each GlobalFingerprints child is discipled to have a vital relationship with God, a strong character, and a biblical worldview. While it is essential, it is not sufficient to just provide for kids’ physical needs. Truly loving people involves caring for their souls, both in the present and in eternity future.
Our second goal is to empower children to experience and create healthy lives and relationships. Spiritual health is promoted through discipleship, physical health is provided for through nutrition supplementation and medical care, and social health is encouraged through connection to mature Christians and other children in their local GlobalFingerprints program.
Thirdly, children in our program are encouraged to love others as they have been loved by God by positively impacting their church and community. Attending church services, sharing the gospel with loved ones, and performing acts of service alongside other church members are some of the ways that we hope children will share God’s love with those around them.
Finally, we believe it is critical to set children up for future success after exiting our program. We want children to grow into young adults who are educated and able to sustain themselves. For some, this will look like going to a college or to a Bible school to become teachers and church planters themselves. Others will attend a trade school or learn marketable life skills at places like our Tabitha Center. However they go about it, we want to help people break the cycle of poverty that they grew up in.
To reach these four goals of following God, living healthily, loving others, and achieving independence, we follow a three-part mission.
Our Mission
Our mission is the same as that of the EFCA: to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people.
For us that looks like:
Partnering with Local Churches
We partner with established churches to equip, support and resource them to be transformational in their communities by meeting the needs of vulnerable children
These local church members know the needs of their community best, possess cultural fluency and insight that outsiders may lack, and have a passion for investing in the children of their own hometown that is invaluable.
Sponsorship from Other Churches
To provide the resources necessary for these local churches to fulfill the needs of children, we provide a way for individuals and churches in the United States to sponsor kids in need and partner with local national churches.
GlobalFingerprints brings awareness to global needs that may seem a world away to other Christians, inspiring them to take action that could change a child’s life.
Planting New Churches
GlobalFingerprints supports and equips church planters to plant churches that plant churches and bring the hope of the gospel to hard and challenging places. Every new church is a chance to reach a new community with the gospel and practical love of God.
Still have questions? Check out our FAQ page to find out more about how donations are spent, how you can connect with a child you sponsor, how exactly sponsorship benefits children and more.